Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dehydration Causes More Condition_symptoms What Causes Dehydration All The Time Despite Drinking Tons Of Water?

What causes dehydration all the time despite drinking tons of water? - dehydration causes more condition_symptoms

I get up every morning with the dark urine. My heart is really low, and sometimes I feel my body will soon be in convulsions. I can not think clearly, and if I drink only water goes through my body and do not really now in my system. I went to a test of fasting glucose for 10 hours, and the doctor told me that the test result was normal.


  1. Diabetes, you can. Project a professional health care person, if things continue breastfeeding, consult, thirst. Learn more about monitoring for hypoglycemia and renal diseases. Water seeps into your system like a human being can withstand three days without it.

  2. Renal function is not as it should.
    Visit your doctor for a sample of urine in the morning. Ask them to prove it. Good luck!

  3. Try a bottle of Gatorade or something with electrolytes in it to see if that does not quench their thirst. As mentioned earlier, I always keep a 2nd Opinion.

  4. I suggest you look at the supraventricular tachycardia that is associated with urination from heart failure are governed by the same wave, which urination. ...

    You can use these methods to control himself. ...

    I had an attack that took me one hours to the doctor for him. He points out that, at least things were going in the right direction for me. Could this spell and palpitation, and out to pee (because pee is something that the wave reflection and pulse rate returns to normal) apparently controlled for some, they can piss and weakened by it. do not treat (so easy)

    I think this may be your problem.

    About his urine concentration, urine all over the world is concentrated in the morning, unless renal function deteriorates. The first drink of the day usually goes straight! If you are still worried after reading to make seek a second opinionHector.

  5. Jesus aka Jebus in AmericaDecember 16, 2009 at 2:56 PM

    Hmmmmm, funny ....... I do not know.
